30 Dec 2012


Hello all,

This blog still looks bog standard and plain, but that's because I've set it up in quite a hurry. In due time, I'll make it nicer and less boring. I have less than a day's time before I depart for the land of the rising sun and be with my dear girlfriend. We have been together for quite a few years, of which we have been physically separated from one another for most of the time. It was only a natural decision for me to finally decide to be together and make my move to Japanland.

As for our relationship and my decision, I had three choices in life (well, there are more of course, but let's be rational here). 1: break up; 2: have her move here and live in insecurity about income, since I have no full-time job; 3: move to Japan and look for work there. Well, neither of all three choices has a 100% rate of satisfaction, but the latter one is best for us. I really love her and I think, no I know, we can make the best out of life together. I've not really emotionally been living up to this moment, since I know I'll see all of those I love and know again, either in Japan or back in Europe. I also think it's for the best, since I've been separated for so long and I was really getting anxious to be with her. In my opinion, this is the best of choices.

Anyway, my room is almost empty, the most important files on my HD, my suitcase closed and I'm ready to go.

I'll try and update this blog as much as possible and post interesting, yet casual pictures of my visit/daily life in Japan, or how I see the world as some would say.

See you on the other side of the world!


P.s. for those interested, you can also take a look at my profile on DeviantArt if you're bored with waiting for new stuff: http://tonibabelony.deviantart.com/

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